Wednesday, 5 September 2007

cabin fever

so after walking around on my own for a while i realise that if i'm not;
c)with pat
d)getting laid
i actually have nothing to do, the last two days have been spent walking around town (which in preston is not a pleasant experience) or sat at home on the internet (i am not the most exciting company, hence the walking). i started thinking about things, mainly how there are lots of horrible people prowling the streets of preston, i came around to start thinking about how people can be divided up into different groups and then tried to ellaborate on this weary ,classifist theory. in my opinion i think people can be one of two things...people that do things for themselves and people that do things for other people, with this though i found a lot of grey areas, so i thought 'shit, that'll never work' and thought some more, after around forty five seconds later i thought 'shit, it doesn't work because there is no difference in those two groups'. the people that do things for pretty self explanitory to a certain degree, but what about the people that do things for others? why do they only do things for others? they don't...pretty much. the only reason i felt that most people do things for others because of some kind of self gain whether it be physical or self gratification etcetera. which i thought was kind of depressing. but who can blame them? that's society, that's how we're brought up, that's the world around us...capitalism, can anyone really be blamed for wanting to help themselves? and can it really be looked down upon? the fact that people help others to help themselves? is an act that is intrinsically bad but have a good outcome good or bad? does the outcome outweigh the act? is it helping somebody under false pretenses? or true nature? hard to say really, i think if good things happen...even for the wrong reason...then fuck it, who cares how we got to the outcome? we got here and that's all that counts. i also beleive i have been watching way too much arrested development. good day to you.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

tizer feet

so the other night i go for a quiet drink with an old friend, meet his family, talk about the good old days etcetera. after a couple of hours he leaves...then i meet sister samp. the quiet drink soon turned into a booze and pain marathon. including classic games such as...'fall down stairs head first with your arms behind your back' and who can forget 'ride down stairs on a bike with your eyes closed' but the best part of the night had to be swimming in the fountain at avenham park at seven on the morning. luckily the water was only like a foot deep, because i can't swim (especially after a twelve hour booze sesh) and would have definatley drowned...sister samp is a strong swimmer though so i think i would have been okay. i dived off the fountain, it was the best dive ever 'the jesus bared our sins drop'. then we got lost loads and drank some more becks...a sweet night. work the next day was horrible, but none the less...i got boozed up after work and had another sweet night. oh yeah forgot to say...i think the fountain water made me ill, i have tizer feet...they have gone bright red and hurt, i also have stomach pains...the water was like sewer water...sister samp washed her cut finger in it so i guess she's going to be ill aswell. ah well

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

cat powerade

i was listening to cat power today...moon pix. just before i got my haircut. i hate getting my haircut, i always look like a twelve year old after it. it also reminds me of the pavement song,which isn't a bad thing, it's a really sweet song. anyway. cat power. it's a really nostalgic album for me, it's fucking makes me feel all warm inside. it's quite calming and emotional but i read that she was a complete psycopath. once she played a gig and just screamed into the mic and when they turned the mic off she just carried on screaming until security dragged her off the stage, i like mental birds. the white stripes just played a gig in canada where they just played one note...then walked off stage. i think it was so they could say that they have played in every province in canada as part of their tour. they played a gig not far away later that day though...which is kind of pussying out a little i think. sux2Bthewhitestripes.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

united states of whatever

anyone remember liam lynch? the guy that sang that song 'united states of whatever' it was pretty sweet, i was thinking about it today. my favourite part is when he's throwing dice down the alley and officer leroy comes up and he's all like 'hey i thought i told you...' and liam lynch just goes 'yeah whatever!' then rocks out with a massive scarf on. i have a scarf like that...i don't wear it though because i look like a twat with it on...i should probably just give it to someone else that looks good in it, but my welsh auntie knitted it when she was a kid and she lives in australia hold onto that one or it might rain shit on canhead. my friend is going to america tomorrow for like ten years...which big time. i hope there's a problem with her visa and she stays in preston with me. did you know that after don quixote was written they updated the oxford dictionary to include the word quixotic? when someone is being quoxitic they are acting like don quixote...deluded. sucka.

Monday, 16 July 2007

craigy samp

you should watch the sweet vid of my mate freestyling on youtube. he's pretty much the best freestyler in the world. that is no lie. he once threw a tv in a river...he's that strong.

shriek if you know what i did last friday the thirteenth

pretty much the most stupid film ever, it's just a pisstake of a pisstake, it was just a rubbish scary movie, there is a character called boner though and a bird gets elbow dropped. but it is still the most stupid film ever, i don't even know why i bought it, i knew it was terrible but i still bought it...ridiculous...

bauer power

my friend is on holiday and she saw a heineken mug that had bauer power written on it. i don't know if you're all aware but bauer is pretty much the sweetest guy ever. he's tough and a quick thinker and he's not afraid to break the rules to get the job done. he'd pretty much do anything for his country...a lot more dedicated than most. he's died three times. so anyway...i want this mug...i must have this mug, it's pretty much the sweetest mug ever, booze+bauer=happiness.


this blog is about me and things that i do. i don't have the most exciting life in the world but by all means certainly not the most boring life. exciting enough to write a blog about.
i'll probably just write about things like booze and music...both things that i really enjoy. i work in a bar and i dj...both sweet jobs. maybe i could review music, maybe books too, read milan kundera, you won't regret it. there you go, my first review...well...sort of.
check out my sweet band aswell you won't regret that either.
ciao for now.